Principle’s Message

Principle’s Message: I do believe that where we face challenges in life that are far beyond our own power, it’s an opportunity to build on your faith, inner strength and courage. We have learned that how we fail challenges plays a big role in the outcome of them- Sasha Azevedo.

G D Goenka School, Aligarh is a progressive Co-educational School recognized by the Directorate of Education.

In these fast changing times; we all encounter a fresh challenge every day! The crux of handing them is an art of living. Only a person with positive attitude can tackle it with aplomb. Even if the desired aim is not achieved; one must gather, rise and prepare oneself for a better tomorrow.

As Nelson Mandela said "Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". We encourage academic excellence, creativity, personality Development and self reliance in a safe, warm and caring environment. As globalization ceases geographical boundaries and demands a much wider perspective from our young global citizens, we inculcate global values with the help of globally relevant education The multidisciplinary approach to teaching is oriented towards improving the skills and knowledge of the students. The school along with its exceptional management, squad of teachers and supportive parents strives for excellence. It has an enriching amalgamation of different tastes to tease the buds of each student.

I whole heartily wish all the students, staff, worthy parent’s good luck and all success to achieve goals par excellence and bring laurels and glory to the School and Country.